I’m absolutely loving Fridays!! I get to connect with a new blogger each week, get super nosey– and they let me!!
This week I got nosey I mean I interviewed Heather @The Frill of Life.
In return Heather asked me some questions, you can read my answers below but don’t forget to read hers and check out her blog, she’s a sweetheart!
He has a whole on the bridge of his nose. Blood is steadily streaming from his face. I grab the paper towels hold it to his face and get them {all three kiddos} in the car.
He was completely chill, me, NOT so much, I was asked to step out of the room.
I get her all rested down stairs in the recliner and her leg is growing bigger. I get them all packed-up and head back to the ER. My daughter is put in a boot. I was thankful that she wasn’t severly hurt, she could’ve hit the dresser, thankfully she didn’t.
2. What made you want to start blogging?
It makes me feel good to have my own outlet to share, vent, and hopefully inspire. I enjoy the connections/friendships I receive via my blog.
This is a tough one because I adore all things Fall, which includes Halloween! I do enjoy Halloween it’s been fun getting the kids Halloween-ready and trick-or-treating.
When I was 16, I decided to forgo a Birthday party for a Halloween party!
Yes, I love Halloween, but Christmas is right there too!
I love the season, the giving and joy. I love making cookies with my babies and seeing their faces when they give them away or their faces when they go mitten tree shopping. I love our little downtown area that is so jolly, like storybook jolly… and it’s real life.
The warm feelings that come over me when I think of the Christmas season… are starting to outweigh my obsession for Halloween…
4. What’s under your bed? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. I know that’s a boring answer.
good question…
Well every year Mr. AOK and our babies make the day special. Last year the weekend was all about me 🙂
9. Who does the cooking in your house?
I do most of the cookin’ but Mr. AOK likes to get his hands just as dirty. By the way he makes delicious bread, we don’t buy bread for the kiddos anymore!
We like our sushi but Mama doesn’t cook sushi.
And when we’re cheating, eating dairy and carbs the family goes bananas over my enchiladas {my dad’s recipe}.
Thanks for the great questions Heather! Also, thank you for reading along. Please don’t forget to check out all the other fabulous linkers.