Planted and loved. You and I.
Planted and thrived.
I was your soil. The first land you ever knew.
The first land that allowed you to grow.
The land that will stand by and watch you flourish on your own…
Planted but not uprooted.
Planted by my side.
Before there was country or state, I was your land.
No matter the depths it takes I will continue to nourish you. I will do my best to always take care of you.
We will hold hands on countless adventures.
And if misadventure crosses our path I’ll make it a game, to see you smile again— to make it feel okay.
And if my arms can no longer reach, I will sprout as fast as I can to be planted right next to you again.
Everything I do is for you, always know that.

Plantado aquí para ti.
Just felt like it was time for another free write. SEO is hating this post, but what’s new? Speaking of new I haven’t written a new post in quite a bit. I kind of explained why in an Instagram post for my Etsy shop‘s Instagram page.
Here’s what I wrote:
My last post wasn’t meant to be political, I honestly don’t care about your politics, I care more about where your heart is. I care about humanity.
I guess what I need to know is that there are other people out there like me that care; who see injustices and heartache and it rattles their bones in a way that makes them want to tent the world with love… and empathy.
I’m outraged when it comes to the hate, death, injustices, and heartache around the world and of course here at home.🇺🇸 I guess it’s partly the reason why I’ve been slightly introverted lately. As you may have noticed I haven’t posted much here or on my other IG and my blog.
I’m a positive person who wants only positive things for you and me. I completely believe we are all connected. So, if you hurt, I hurt. I don’t want you to hurt. I don’t want to hurt. It pains me when I see people say such hateful and awful things. When people are heartless and lack compassion and empathy,

. I may not be a math scholar but I do know that, you get less when you divide. Why are we being so divisive!?! What happened to the village?

Anyway, I wish you all well. Sending love and hugs your way! xo
Hey, if you liked this post it would be pretty darn rad if you’d pinned. 🙂
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5 Brilliant Ways to LOVE YOURSELF!!

Sonya K
July 1, 2018 at 11:19 pmIt’s hard to understand what going right now. I just wish there was more love being shown to one another.
July 6, 2018 at 1:59 pmThis post is absolutely beautiful and I have really very much so missed your writing. I know what you mean. I feel a bit stagnant lately too. I hurt, and it hurts me to see others hurt. I love what you said: “we get less when we divide.”
It’s so hard to come to an understanding lately, and I want to open up dialogue because I think it is the only bridge and hope for any of us. Thank you for sharing your words with us, and I’m excited to see you back, when you can and when you are able. Sending all my LOVE LOVE LOVE to you 🙂
Experienced Bad Mom (@ExperBadMom)
May 20, 2019 at 11:42 amThis is beautiful, I’m so glad to see it now. SEO is soul-sucking, ya know?