So, you want to know more about me? I mean, WOW, that’s awesome, I’m honored that you’re taking time out of your day to get to know me! THANK YOU! Shall we get started?
Hi, I’m Dean.
This blog is pretty much a window into the random things that fill my head. You will find plenty about life, my life, and how I’m progressing. I started this blog for myself, I wanted an outlet, a place to unwind, to be me, and hopefully people would read. An escape? Sure, but not from life, from my thoughts. I have what is known as a common plague that takes place, especially in one’s thirties. I don’t know if I should even share, after all, we’re just getting to know each other.
Okay, because you seem pretty cool I’ll share.
Here goes nothing: I THINK TOO MUCH! There I said it, I think waaaaaay too much about everything, everybody, and of course the future. Some people call it anxiety. Anyway, the combination of this blog and other creative outlets has helped put my thoughts into a more focused direction, which in turn has become a form of (cognitive-ish) therapy. I love blogging, but I think I love blogging more these days not only because it makes me feel good personally, but because I’ve made wonderful friends.
I thought I’d answer a few questions I get often or similar questions:
Why Mrs. AOK? Do you have insane confidence?
I would love to tell you I wake up every morning like Meghan Trainor, but that is not always the case. A.O.K are my initials. When I first began this blog I did not know much about blogging, I didn’t know I would make friends, I didn’t think anyone would care to know my real name, and I certainly wasn’t freely going to share it. The truth is, I didn’t know if I’d stay with it if I’d share too much, plus not everyone who knows me knows I blog. Dean is short for my first name Adina. All my close friends and family call me Dean, since we’re getting closer you can call me Dean too.
You NEVER share your kids’ names.
You are right, I don’t. “I” started this blog, therefore I want to give them their privacy. It took me a few years to even share pictures of them here. I’ve considered using their nicknames or middle names, and they’ve even given me permission to do so, but I haven’t just yet.
about me
Are you a military family?
Yes and no. My husband is a veteran, my dad is a veteran, as well as countless other members of my family, but we’re currently not in. We just move around a lot now that we’re civilians.
Where are you from?
TEXAS!! But, if you’re asking to figure out my ethnicity this post is for you.
Why are acts of kindness so important to you?
Have you watched the news lately? Our world needs more kindness and our kids need to see more kindness. I’d like to think when we do good we send ripples that will keep going even after we’re long gone.
I have more questions to answer, but I’ll answer them another day.
Here are a few more helpful links if you really would like to learn more about me. 
PSSSSSST!!!! I just started an Etsy shop!!
July 27, 2016 at 3:45 pmGreat introduction. These bio pages are hard to write, which is why I don’t have one. (Tried but couldn’t get it right.) Thanks for telling us about yourself. I share your affliction of non-stop thinking due to anxiety. It’s both a blessing and a curse. We all draw our own boundary on what we will and won’t share online; I certainly respect yours. We should be — and you are — sensitive to the rights of others (like your kids).
Shelly @diymamablog
July 27, 2016 at 6:11 pmLove this!
Lowanda J
July 29, 2016 at 9:44 pmGreat post, Dean!