I’ve been busy here in my neck of the woods. Along with ridding my house of the cooties, I’m getting my house ready to sell.
I made the ROOKIE mistake of jinxing myself by saying, “I must be on doctor’s health level; these kiddos have coughed in my face, and I’m still good.” PARENTS, TEACHERS, FRIENDS NEVER SAY THAT. {Cough.cough}
Parents should never say:
He sleeps through the night- because tonight he’ll be up all night
Whew, that nasty cold that is going through the school, hasn’t hit us!- And now you have the cough!
My kid would never do that- doing that.
Etc. Etc… don’t do the parent jinx!
So, anyway, I’m a trooper I’m a tad under-the-weather but that’s not going to stop me! I’ve been working on this house in hyper speed, because well I’m leaving in about 5-6 weeks. I’m quite sure my house won’t be purchased in that amount of time {reverse jinx?} but I want this house to look good. I want to leave behind a nice house, for the new family that will have the opportunity to have such wonderful neighbors.
We are trying not to spend a penny on this house because we know we won’t make one penny back. So far, we’ve been able to touch up paint here and there with leftover paint, clean our little hearts out, and donate tons!
Part of staging your house {to sell} calls for depersonalization.
To depersonalize I didn’t want to spend any money on artwork for the walls, instead I cutup my favorite World Market gift bags, and placed them in all the family-filled-frames in the living room. I even used the ribbon from the gift bags and tacked them to the back of the frames, which is perfect because the ribbon matches the curtains in my living room.