A couple weeks back another mother was on the verge of ending her life as well as the lives of her three children. Thankfully, kindhearted people rescued the children and their mother.
She veered her minivan into Daytona Beach hoping to go to a “better place.” Her children begged from the minivan windows, “help us, our mom is trying to kill us!”
These situations happen all to often in my opinion. When becoming a mother, I never thought of the unpleasant or cheerless times. I never thought about mothers feeling down or low.
I remember when I was pregnant with my first child watching an episode of Oprah and finding out some mothers experience sadness and awful thoughts after having their children. This episode of Oprah was an eyeopener for a 21 year-old mother-to-be, I was petrified, yet educated.
I now knew to be on the look out for depressive thoughts and anger. I never ever wanted to feel that way, especially towards my infant daughter. I am lucky to say I did not have postpartum depression; I wouldn’t feel depression until years later when my husband deployed to Iraq {but that’s another story}.
Depression and anxiety don’t necessarily take hold right after pregnancy, these feelings may enter years later. As mothers we have a ton on our plates, yet we graciously add more to be “super mom” Super Mom IS A FALLACY. You will never ever be Super Mom in your own eyes but ask your kids and they’ll tell you otherwise….
Sadly, mothers can be hard on other mothers as well. Instead of being hard on one another we should empower one another. We need to TALK.
While watching the news about the mother who almost took her children’s lives and her own, I was thankful for the good people who saved them, I was sad that this type of situation happened again, and heartbroken for the children.
I couldn’t contain the feelings that were bubbling over me, I went to Twitter and started a discussion, hoping someone would hear me.
Mothers if motherhood is tough; talk to someone. The answer is never giving up! #Parenthood #LoveYourBabies #talk #DontGiveUp #depression
— Mrs_ AOK (@Mrs_AOK) March 5, 2014
If you need someone to talk to I’m here #motherhood #depression #DontGiveUp
— Mrs_ AOK (@Mrs_AOK) March 5, 2014
There isn’t any shame in reaching out! We need to band together, so no more #DaytonaBeach incidents happen. #motherhood #DontGiveUp
— Mrs_ AOK (@Mrs_AOK) March 5, 2014
@Dayngr I wish we could all put our empathic boots on and share love. We need to talk; mothers need a town hall meeting to share our hearts
— Mrs_ AOK (@Mrs_AOK) March 6, 2014
I was heard. I was favorited, retweeted, but most importantly I was replied to. A few ladies reached out, and thankfully from my emotional outcry to mothers, Trish and I bonded and decided, it was time for Mothers to have a Town Hall. We want mothers to come together and talk.
Let’s discuss motherhood, judgement-free!
Trish and I are both happy to have Lauren Hale attending the #MotherhoodChat. Lauren runs the #PPDChat every Monday night at 8:30pm ET on Twitter. You can also find Lauren at My Postpartum Voice. Lauren @unxpctdblessing
We hope you will also attend. Follow along using the hashtag #MotherhoodChat
Our twitter handles
Trish @Dayngr

#MotherhoodChat is BACK!! - Mrs. AOK, A Work In Progress
March 18, 2015 at 2:34 pm[…] consider #MotherhoodChat a chat amongst friends. Here is the story behind MotherhoodChat: https://www.mrsaokaworkinprogress.com/2014/03/motherhood-town-hall-chat-motherhoodchat.html. I urge you to read why #MotherhoodChat was formed, I believe this will give you a better […]
Come Join Me On Sundays #MotherhoodChat
March 18, 2015 at 2:51 pm[…] consider #MotherhoodChat a chat amongst friends. Here is the story behind MotherhoodChat: https://www.mrsaokaworkinprogress.com/2014/03/motherhood-town-hall-chat-motherhoodchat.html When is #MotherhoodChat? Every Sunday night 9:00 – 10:00 PM EST on Twitter using the […]
Introducing: The #MotherhoodChat On Twitter...! - MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter
March 18, 2015 at 8:46 pm[…] and mothers-to-be…consider #MotherhoodChat a chat amongst friends. Take a moment and read why the #MotherhoodChat was formed, I believe this will give you a better understanding of why we (mothers) came […]