Love Yourself
*This post, 5 Brilliant Ways to Love Yourself, was written on behalf of my partnership with Smile Brilliant. All opinions expressed are my own.
This year I am determined to do better and be better. Last year, well, at the end of last year I kind of let things affect me and not always in the best way. I got behind on things and I lost connections with some of the things I enjoy as well as people. I also got behind on my blog, I was behind on posting, on commenting and even got behind on sponsored content. I’m sorry. The move and the behind the scenes drama took a toll on me. I kind of recoiled; it’s not an excuse, unfortunately, it’s my reality. However, this year I am trying to not allow things to affect me so deeply. (Which is proving to be hard these days.) I’m working on more self-care and how to love myself more.
Many of us are on a path to being better humans, which we usually consider to mean for others. But what if we did for us. Here are 5 ways to love YOURSELF.
5 Brilliant Ways To Love Yourself
Forgive Yourself
We are good at forgiving others, but when it comes to ourselves it’s easy to punish ourselves for our mistakes. Think about the words you speak silently to yourself, are they helpful or hurtful? So, you made a mistake, you’re human. We’re all human, we make mistakes, we learn, we grow. Move on.
Photo by Estée Janssens
We can all be a little more Bob Ross.
Be Honest with Yourself
You may feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders some days, but it doesn’s have to be. Let it out and let it go! The best way to do that is to write it out.
Photo by Tim Mossholder
If you sign up or volunteer for something and you cannot follow through be honest with yourself; you cannot bankrupt yourself for others’ gain. Sometimes, NO isn’t bad. We limit things all the time, why not limit what we have on our shoulders.
Nourish Yourself
I am not saying swear yourself to an unattainable diet or fitness journey, but I am saying feed yourself the most veggies, fruits, and vitamins you can. Somewhere along the way I actually fell in like with working out. It is a good way to work off stress, it also makes me feel good.
Photo by Toa Heftiba
Meditation is another form of nourishing myself that I wholeheartedly recommend to everyone! After meditation you feel a sense of focus and as if you cleansed yourself of whatever it was that was bothering you before you cleared your mind. I hate when I miss a day, but guess what I’m not going to do… Did you guess? I am not going beat myself up for missing a day, I’ll forgive it and try harder. There have been multiple studies that prove that meditation is beneficial to the human body, this article shares 76 scientific benefits. Love yourself
Photo by John-Mark Kuznietsov
A few Meditation Suggestions:
Interested in a Love Yourself 30-day straight meditation challenge? I’m in, let’s do it!
Nourish yourself by doing the things you love, the things that make you feel good. That may consist of reading, writing, painting, adventuring alone or with the people you love.
Pamper Yourself love yourself
This is kind of a personal favorite because in the past I have been bad when it comes to pampering myself. Facial masks have been amazing for me. They slow you down but lift you up. Meaning, you’re not going to do a whole lot with a facial mask on but relax and once you take it off you’ll feel good.
Photo by Jen P.
One of my pamper splurges –because I will continue using this product– was sent to me from the wonderful people at Smile Brillant. Did you know that smiling actually has many benefits including reducing cortisol (the stress hormone) and making you feel happy (7 Benefits of Smiling and Laughing)? I need and welcome all the happy and banish all the stress hormones (those are bad for your body and your waistline).
I smiled, okay, I may have done a happy dance when Smile Brilliant sent me a kit to make my smile brighter. I’ve never been much of a teeth-smiler, but lately with my whiter teeth I’ve been trying to let these pearly whites show.
The Path to a Whiter Smile and more Cortisol Blocking:
I received my kit, which included: 3 Sets of Impression Material, 2 Impression Trays 3-Way, Postage, desensitizing gel and the whitening gel.
Created molds of my teeth
Make sure you have a cup of water and paper towels available when doing this.
Sent the molds back
No need to pay for postage because that’s sent to you in the kit. 🙂 However, make sure your molds are completely dry before sending off.
Received my Custom-fitted Teeth Whitening Trays
Started the whitening process

TWOFER: face mask and whitening trays! 🙂 I may regret sharing this picture. My mask was falling off because my husband made me laugh so hard while I was putting it on and when you are trying to smile to show off your trays the mask apparently doesn’t hold up. Also, the gig is up, I’m a freckle face.
Before Smile Brilliant
I mean what I say and I say what I mean, and I mean it when I say I was blown away by how quickly I saw results.
After my first try of Smile Brilliant
The desensitizing gel is intended to be used after you whiten your teeth, however, I have sensitive gums, so I used it before and after. Per Smile Brilliant’s website, it’s okay to do this, but it may slow down the process. Nevertheless, after a few uses, I was able to hold off on using the desensitizing gel before the whitening process.
(Disclaimer: This image was taken a week or so after I RAN OUT of my whitening gel. My teeth still kept some of their whiteness despite being all out of my gel and ample amounts of coffee. I’m happy with the results, so I plan on ordering another supply. Something worth mentioning, some of my teeth came out whiter than others. I think that depends on how evenly you apply the gel to the tray.)
I’m so happy with my smile. I DO smile more and I feel happier for it. I sincerely make it a point to smile at people. We all could use a little smile these days, no?
Lastly, but most importantly, love YOURSELF by loving YOURSELF
Shower yourself with love notes! When was the last time you told yourself, “I love you”? Let’s be honest, we talk to ourselves all the time but fail to give ourselves little reminders of how awesome we are. Be your own cheerleader!! Hand on your heart, tell yourself I love you- do this often.
I want to give Smile Brilliant a huge thank you for sponsoring this post. I am thankful for the results I have received and the support given to me behind the scenes from the marketing staff. Please, please, make sure you check out Smile Brilliant, I promise you won’t be disappointed. Here are some more reviews and before and after photos.
February 27, 2018 at 10:36 amI love this! My word of the year this year is Nourish so I’m definitely working on nourshing myself more. But I could work on forgiving myself and simply loving myself more too. I like the idea of leaving myself love notes, would definitely perk things up on a bad day!
Dean @Mrs. AOK, A Work In Progress
February 28, 2018 at 6:07 pmI think it’s awesome that you’re working toward nourishing yourself more. Kudos!! I think we often forget to take care of ourselves while putting others’ needs ahead of our own.
Forgiving yourself is huge. Why are we so hard on ourselves!! I’m so quick to tell others to not beat themselves up and why they shouldn’t, and then here I am beating myself up. I’m getting better at filtering out that nonsense.
Yasssss, you betta write yo’self some love notes! xo
Lauren Becker
February 27, 2018 at 11:11 amThat’s great that your teeth really did become whiter, and you want to continue using the product. All these ideas are great though – we really do need to be better to ourselves sometimes.
Dean @Mrs. AOK, A Work In Progress
February 28, 2018 at 6:12 pmThank you!! I’m so thrilled with my results. I cannot wait to get my next batch. My husband actually got a cleaning yesterday and mentioned how white his teeth were, I asked how about mine. He then began to tell me it’s different you’re using Smile Brilliant. I had to inform him that no, currently, I’m not, because I’m all out (I said that in my most whiny three-year-old voice).
Yes, we need to do better for ourselves… all the time. I know it’s easy to forget about ourselves, but seriously we need to pour more love into our tanks to fill others. 🙂
February 27, 2018 at 2:23 pmIve been slacking with this recently! Last night I took control and went to a urban sweat “class” where you go into all of these different rooms for as long as you want! It was amazing to spend that much time with myself and off of my phone!
Dean @Mrs. AOK, A Work In Progress
February 28, 2018 at 6:13 pmThat sounds like so much FUN!! I bet you had a blast. Also, isn’t it nice to detach from the phone every once in a while?
February 27, 2018 at 3:09 pmI love this post! I am learning to give myself grace this year, which is far from easy. I am reading the book, Miracle Morning. I intend try the techniques as a part of self care.
Dean @Mrs. AOK, A Work In Progress
February 28, 2018 at 6:18 pmTHANK YOU!!!!
Isn’t it crazy how tough we can be on ourselves? I had a breakthrough one day while doing a guided meditation, the lady doing the guiding asked what would we say to our younger self, would we talk to our younger self the way we talk to self now… ::GULP:: I won’t lie to you, I cried like a baby during the meditation.
I’ll have to look into Miracle Morning. 🙂
Wishing you all the best!
Lecy | A Simpler Grace
February 27, 2018 at 10:53 pmThese are such great ideas. It is so important to forgive ourselves. And keeping ourselves nourished – yes!
Dean @Mrs. AOK, A Work In Progress
February 28, 2018 at 6:26 pmThank you, Lecy!
February 28, 2018 at 11:25 pmI’m always looking for more ways to love myself. I know that sounds crazy but it’s so true. I live alone, i have no kids, the time is now to give myself all the lovin I can. Forgiving myself isn’t always so easy, but I’ve started to master it throughout the years. Being honest with myself isn’t always easy but it’s necessary. I’m all about pampering myself. From facial masks, to long baths, to just relaxing I make sure I’m very very very pampered
Dean @Mrs. AOK, A Work In Progress
March 6, 2018 at 4:27 pmIt doesn’t sound crazy at all!! Actually, it sounds rather awesome. I wish more people did more to love themselves.
I believe you are quite a wonderful example of doing for you, especially with your wonderful challenges.
February 28, 2018 at 11:51 pmOh goodness—I have missed you so much and it’s so wonderful to be back here again. Always love seeing an old friend <3
I love that Bob Ross quote so much and feel I need to devote a blog post to that alone! You have such a beautiful smile and I love that you are feeling confident to show it off. And that you have a hubby who makes you laugh when you are face masking and pearly whitening 🙂 so lovely!
Hope all is well with you and happy to see your name pop up in the group so I can check in on you much more frequently now! Xoxo
February 28, 2018 at 11:58 pmIt’s possible my last comment disappeared so I apologize if I’m posting this twice 🙂
It’s so lovely to be back here again; I’ve missed you and your blog space and being back always makes me feel like I’m catching up with an old friend over coffee <3 But no apologies necessary. Sometimes life just catches up with you, and we always look forward to your words when they flow. No stress 🙂
I feel like I need to dedicate a blog post to that Bob Ross quote! I don’t think I’ve heard it before and it’s perfect. Also you have a beautiful smile and I love that you have a hubs who makes you laugh as you are whitening and masking! Will have to look for this product. I have stains from coffee and wine drinking and have heard great things.
Wishing you all the best for the almost weekend ahead 🙂 xoxo
lisa thomson-The Great Escape...
March 1, 2018 at 11:56 pmThese are all such good reminders, Dean. I also would like whiter teeth. Once, I fell asleep with white strips on and my teeth hurt for a few days. This looks like a much better idea. Great post!
March 2, 2018 at 5:39 pmBest smile ever = you! Boy did I need this this week. And to see your name pop up in my Bloglovin was already a plus – I knew that sitting down to read this would be self care. The Stranger Things gif is amazing, but you knew that!
Right now I’m working on forgiving myself, or at least being less of a tool to myself.
I’m so happy to see you here today! xoxo
Carrie at Curly Crafty Mom
March 3, 2018 at 3:32 pmYour teeth really look great and I definitely would be smiling and showing your teeth! I just went through Invisalign, so I use my Invisalign trays and apply a whitening gel to them. I had to do 2 weeks (twice a day) and I had great results. Now I keep them white by maintaining them by bleaching 2x a month! It’s so easy and I just love my smile now!
March 3, 2018 at 7:32 pmI really liked the Smile Brilliant kit I received! It works great 🙂
Veronica Lee
March 4, 2018 at 10:09 pmThese are really great ideas. I am learning to forgive myself. And yes, I’ve been pampering myself lately too.
Experienced Bad Mom (@ExperBadMom)
March 5, 2018 at 8:57 amYou’re my new blogging idol. I loved that this sponsored post didn’t feel like a, well, sponsored post!
Thanks for sharing your tips and encouraging us to forgive ourselves and pamper ourselves, too.
March 5, 2018 at 9:16 amThese are all sooooo good. Especially the “need more Bob Ross” 🙂 Love the Stranger Things reference too 🙂
K. Elizabeth @ YUMMommy
March 5, 2018 at 6:49 pmNot loving myself enough caught up with big time the end of last year too. I started this year off taking some time off to get back on track and working on making me a priority in my own life. I keep reminding myself that an empty vessel can’t pour.
March 5, 2018 at 8:00 pmWhy do we always need a reminder to take care of ourselves? Thank you so much for the refresher!
February 4, 2019 at 2:36 pmI commented last year and I’ll comment again now. That teeth whitening stuff was awesome! This year I loved your call to meditate. I need some of that right now thanks for the nudge.
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March 25, 2019 at 9:48 am[…] the saying: “You can’t pour from an empty cup.” It’s so true, friends. Take care of yourself! Take a little time for you today, whether that time is spent taking a three-minute breathing […]