
Cheerleader {A Post About Friendship}

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She was a ride or die or so I thought

She was the one I could count on but then

not so much.

moved on

out of sight

out of mind

days turn into weeks

weeks to years

unsettled tears itch

Photo by Sam Manns

maybe it’s all done

the ride is over

No longer a cheerleader for me

Where’s my Louise?



Standby she’s back: she’s cheering again

but it’s not for me.

Social media’s a bitch.

Photo by Chad Madden


This free write was inspired by a conversation on a radio morning show. Friends, friendship is more than follows, mentions, and the occasional like. Friendship is listening, laughing, love, being there— cheerleading! The conversation went on to say that we use “busy” too much. And it hit me hard, how often do I make myself “busy” and disregard calling a friend to check in or comment on their blog. Gulp! I’m so sorry.

However, I’m also that person that’ll text/tweet a short message or GIF to let you know I am thinking of you. I’m not sure that’s even enough. Actually, no, it’s not enough.

I want to be a better cheerleader to my friends old and new. If you need me, know I’m here and I’m working on being a better cheerleader.

I want to build you up!


Also, can we all agree that sometimes social media can be a bitch?

The conversation went into how people say they’re too busy but then they see those busy friends on social media. One of the hosts talked about asking a friend to meet up and the friend said he was too busy and then posted pictures of his week on social media, which made him question his “busy”. He also said his friend is always “on” social media, I think he meant liking and commenting on FB, but it made him mad that his friend was too busy liking things rather than grabbing dinner with him.

Honestly, we never really know what’s going on on the other side. We’re not all posting everything. We’re not sharing all our duties, struggles, and busyness, right? Again, it’s highlight reels for the most part, no? This is something I’m trying to stress to my kids. Recently, we were hit with some bad news, it left us with questions. One of those questions, “Why, she looked so happy?”, followed by, “She looked like her life was good.” Sadly, the only thing I could answer with: “It isn’t fair. Perhaps, she left a message. It never seems right, and again, people sometimes only share what they want others to see.” The best way to figure out where a person is is to ask.

So, this post went in a little deeper, huh? I think I’ll stop there.

Sending love, peace, and happiness to all of you. And know, if you need an ear, I’ll be here for you.



7 thoughts on “Cheerleader {A Post About Friendship}

  1. Akaleistar

    April 29, 2018 at 3:42 pm

    Social media really does give a false sense of a person’s life…

    1. Dean @Mrs. AOK, A Work In Progress

      April 30, 2018 at 10:44 am

      Yes. Yes, it does.
      Speaking of, sometimes I feel like I can do better at being more a part of your life.
      Please do know I think of you often and I’m grateful to call you a friend.
      Dean <3

  2. tamaralikecamera

    April 30, 2018 at 2:13 pm

    Social media is a strange one for sure.
    And I need to be a better cheerleader. Sometimes I’m busy and sometimes I’m anxious, but I try to tell friends what’s up and then come up with a better time to meet up.

  3. Bev Feldman

    May 7, 2018 at 6:09 am

    I feel like having Liv it’s been more difficult for me to be the kind of friend I want to be. I think this is the second time I’ve looked at my Bloglovin feed in the 5 months since she was born! It makes me feel disconnected from the friends I made through blogging and I miss you guys!

  4. Katy

    March 11, 2019 at 3:40 pm

    I’ll be there for you, too! *Friends*

    This made me think. Especially about the ‘busy’.

  5. Rosie Doal

    March 18, 2019 at 8:56 am

    This is so true and so real for a lot of us, I think. The perils of social media and the ‘fake’ lives we lead on our platforms. Nothing beats picking up the phone or going for a coffee – real friendship x #MMBH

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