BeKind, Motherhood


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When I was younger I wanted to be like my mother. I thought she was the most beautiful and fancy woman in the world. Before my tomboy years, I remember stepping into her closet and running my hands across all her pretty clothes, I would stick my little pudgy feet in her high heel shoes and daydream in the mirror, and sometimes, if I was being extra bold, I would get into her Mary Kay. I didn’t like lotion back then- my dad would slather us with Johnson & Johnson’s all the time and I hated it, he swore by it– but my Mom’s Oil of Olay was a lotion that I didn’t mind. It smelled wonderful, it smelled like the most elegant womanly woman in the world— and I loved it!

Me at three

There are some things I do like my parents, there are actions of love that they have shown me throughout my life that have stuck with me. I always say I’m trying to do my best to raise good humans, I want to instill values, kindness, respect, and love for others in my kids. Often times parents do not give themselves the credit they deserve. We’re doing a good job and guess what, they notice! I see me in my kids, a lot! They do little things that make me smile and think, “Dean, you’re doing alright.”

Ripples of Kindness

This weekend they did it again, they WOWED me with their hearts, their kindness, and their love for others. For starters, all three of them took such good care of me when I wasn’t feeling well, and that was super sweet. But there are two other stories I want to tell you about.

While out for a quick drop in at the grocery store for something easy to cook for dinner and cough drops on Friday afternoon with my 13-year-old daughter, we saw an action figure marked down 75% off on clearance. Now obviously my 13-year-old daughter isn’t into action figures, but she thought we should get it. Her reasoning for wanting to purchase the action figure made me extremely happy, she wanted to give it away in a toy drive. “You know Christmas is coming, we could donate it, Momma.

Toy for toy drive

Same Friday, Different Kiddo

Later on that very same Friday, my newly 10-year-old daughter asked my husband and I if we could go supply shopping for Uganda on Saturday. We were both puzzled because we hadn’t heard anything about school supplies for Uganda, so we asked her what she was talking about. She told us a speaker came to their school, a man who travels around the world, he went to Uganda and they need school supplies. The emotion in her voice and in her face as she told us more was contagious, she was fired up to help and so were we.

Saturday we headed out to Michael’s and bought a few supplies there. When we got back home my daughter ran upstairs to get her old backpack (she just got a new monogrammed one for her birthday, this month) and put the supplies in it. She then turned to us and said, “The kids in Uganda don’t have very many books. Can I please give them some of our books?”  Umm yeah! Give ’em all the books, you sweet little creature!! I didn’t say that, but boy that’s how I felt. She just made me so proud. My daughter filled the backpack with books and came down and began to draw a picture for the children in Uganda. She was trying relentlessly to draw an elephant, because in her own words.. elephants are a symbol of peace.

Backpack for Uganda

I found this quote and thought it fit well:

Like a drop in the vast ocean, each of us causes ripples as we move through our lives. The effects of whatever we do – insignificant as it may seem – spread out beyond us. We may never know what far-reaching impact even the simplest action might have on our fellow mortals. Thus we need to be conscious, all of the time, of our place in the ocean, of our place in the world, of our place among our fellow creatures. -Margaret Weis

Maybe, just maybe, I caused this lovely generosity in my babies or maybe it was the acts of kindness from others. Parents, they’re watching. People, they’re watching! They are seeing us and hearing us, and they are mirroring us. They may even be getting into your Mary Kay as we speak. Is Mary Kay still a thing?

Let’s go cause ripples!

RandomAOK Challenge| Spread Kindness| Kindness Giveaway| Mrs. AOK, A Work In Progress

I want to remind you that I’m still doing my Kindness Challenge, please, please, please come to join me! I’m giving away some fun prizes to one kindhearted soul. 🙂 Your act of kindness does NOT have to be big or cost money.

29 thoughts on “Ripples

  1. Akaleistar

    November 24, 2015 at 7:14 pm

    Your girls are so sweet, and it’s awesome that they are thinking of others! I think that quote perfectly sums up life 🙂

    1. MrsA0K2001

      November 25, 2015 at 8:48 am

      That quote couldn’t be more perfect! I’ve read it over & over and thought DAMN Margaret you’re a philosopher & a wordsmith. She could totally say.. drop the mic 😀
      I’m quite proud of those girls, I hope they always want to help others.

  2. Tamara

    November 24, 2015 at 9:51 pm

    Such gorgeousness! Love and awesomeness doesn’t skip generations very often. This is no fluke!
    I love the action figure story. I think Scarlet would think like that too.

    1. MrsA0K2001

      November 25, 2015 at 8:49 am

      I think Scarlet would too! 🙂
      Are you saying I’m love & awesomeness? 😀

  3. Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom

    November 25, 2015 at 7:43 am

    Your girls are so very thoughtful! This is what makes this time of year so special, when we give and care about others.


    1. MrsA0K2001

      November 25, 2015 at 8:52 am

      I agree this time of year is so special with people opening their hearts for others. I wish it could be like that all year long, but I’ll take all the kindness I can get. 🙂

  4. Nina

    November 25, 2015 at 10:24 am

    Melt my heart! You must be a very proud mama. You’re definitely doing all right, Dean 🙂 What generous hearts your kids have!

    1. MrsA0K2001

      December 1, 2015 at 12:57 pm

      I’m so proud! My 10 year-old came up with a great idea I cannot wait to share soon. 🙂
      Thank you, Nina, that means a lot!

  5. lisacng @

    November 25, 2015 at 1:26 pm

    She’s amazing! Which means you’ve been a great influence on her. Oh, just her generosity!!!! Today, I was complaining about the state of humanity on the blog. Your daughter has put my faith back in it. Maybe the next generation will be better than us. Hope they will!

    1. MrsA0K2001

      December 1, 2015 at 1:02 pm

      I hope they will too. I think it’s up to us.
      Thank you for your kind words, Lisa!! You made my daughter and I so happy with your sweet words. 🙂

  6. Lowanda J

    November 25, 2015 at 2:23 pm

    I can definitely see the rippling effect you and your husband have on your children. I love how your 10-year-old got so charged up just from hearing a speaker at school. And your oldest sees how one simple toy can bring someone else’s child some joy. Great job Dean! I know you must be proud of them!

    1. MrsA0K2001

      December 1, 2015 at 1:15 pm

      I’m so proud of these kiddos! They fill my bucket 🙂
      I hope they keep the passion of giving and kindness for all of eternity.
      Thank you, Lowanda!

  7. Karen

    November 25, 2015 at 5:01 pm

    How amazing is your daughter?! That’s so wonderful, it made me tear up to read how thoughtful and generous she is. Like momma, like daughter! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

    1. MrsA0K2001

      December 1, 2015 at 1:22 pm

      Thank you, Karen!! 🙂
      These kids… sometimes they can drive me bonkers and then they do things like this… I’m just in love with them. 🙂

  8. gracielle

    November 25, 2015 at 7:04 pm

    Your daughter is so awesome! What a beautiful little soul…just like her mama! Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Dean!

    1. MrsA0K2001

      December 1, 2015 at 2:26 pm

      :::BLOWS KISSES::: Thank you, Gracielle!!

  9. Bev

    November 26, 2015 at 1:25 pm

    I definitely think your kids are modeling their kindness after their mom! The other day I was thinking I need to be doing a better job of modeling for Eve the kindness I want to teach her. I am sure I learned a lot of it from my own parents!

    1. MrsA0K2001

      December 1, 2015 at 2:36 pm

      Thanks, Bev! I hope I’m being a good role model, sometimes I fail, I slip, I sink, I spout before thinking….

      I’m sure Eve sees plenty of kindness from her Mama too!

  10. Aki!

    November 27, 2015 at 1:38 am

    That is so kind! I remember being impacted by things like that when I was in school. It’s such a lovely feeling that warms your heart.

    1. MrsA0K2001

      December 1, 2015 at 2:39 pm

      Thank you, Aki. I do love the feeling of giving, it is a warm feeling. 🙂

  11. Sonya

    November 27, 2015 at 2:00 pm

    Awww…I loved reading this. You are creating some really awesome ripples and your little people are amazing. Good job mama 🙂

    1. MrsA0K2001

      December 1, 2015 at 2:48 pm

      Thank you, Sonya! 🙂

  12. Caryn

    November 28, 2015 at 11:09 am

    The ripple effect is really something to keep in mind. People especially kids often pick up on things we say without us noticing. Several years ago I was greeted by a 4-year old in my child’s daycare class. She asked what I did for a living and I told her, “I’m a writer.” Months later, I ran into her mother, who said that she came home from daycare and started writing more because she wanted to be a writer like Kyle’s mom (me.) It moved me and made me smile knowing this child found a passion for writing because of something I said. xoxo P.S. I TOTALLY loved Mary Kay. I even had a birthday party hosted by a Mary Kay lady.

    1. MrsA0K2001

      December 1, 2015 at 2:54 pm

      That is such an AWESOME story!! I love that you gave that sweet little girl inspiration!! I hope she’s still writing, it’s so rewarding. 🙂
      Keep creating ripples!
      Mary Kay BIRTHDAY party- nice!

  13. Naomi

    May 24, 2016 at 5:05 pm

    So lovely. My littles are very little still but kindness and generosity are certainly two of the traits I hope they will demonstrate without mommy’s promoting later in life! And gratefulness… Such a huge part of being hapoy is being grateful.

    1. MrsA0K2001

      May 25, 2016 at 10:17 pm

      Thank you, Naomi. 😉
      I believe they’ll mirror your kindness even when you’re not looking.

  14. An Open Letter To My Teenage Daughter. Go big, always!

    October 30, 2016 at 2:36 am

    […] Your heart is big and pure and so filled with love for family, friends, and people you’ve never meant before. […]

  15. Jean |

    August 13, 2018 at 7:50 am

    Dean, this is exactly what I needed to read this morning. “I’m trying to do my best to raise good humans, I want to instill values, kindness, respect and love for others in my kids.” Too many kids are being raised to be competitive, to “get ahead,” with emphasis on grades, athletic ability, looks, trends, etc. Keep up the good work! #MMBH

  16. Experienced Bad Mom (@ExperBadMom)

    August 13, 2018 at 9:45 am

    I love this, even if it happened a few years ago. Sweet, sweet picture of you and sweet, sweet actions by your daughter! #MMBH

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