BookLover, Family

Parenting with Purpose {Book Review}

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My Promise #PromiseToBaby

I’ve been a parent for 13 years. Did you hear me.. 13 YEARS!??! Wow, that’s a long time. I remember holding my newborn daughter (well, all of them for that matter) and thinking she was so tiny, sweet, angelic, and perfect! I wanted to keep her (all of them) that way forever. Of course that didn’t happen, she grew, and with each stage of life I was in awe once more. I often hear, “You have a 13 year old, good luck!” Luck? What is this luck for? Do you mean good love? I love my kid, I love her wit, and yes, she may not be as angelic with her  touch of sass appearing every now and then, but that doesn’t mean I need luck.  What I need is love, work, and patience. I need to remember that as much as I want respect, I need to give respect. It’s easy for us as parents to forget that sometimes. I can honestly say, sometimes, unintentionally I’m snotty. I admit it, I can be a snotty Mommy. I need to halt that behavior in myself, because let’s be honest: what I do, they do. Our babies are mirrors of us reflecting back on us, we need to say and do the things we want them to see and do. ANNNND that’s why I love Nina Garcia’s blog: Sleeping Should Be Easy, she speaks about parenting, she uses real life examples (usually from her own life with her three children), she’s a straight forward–no jargon, and her parenting style seems quite similar to mine.


Nina's Blog: Sleeping Should Be Easy

With so many wisdom nuggets throughout her blog, it makes perfect sense to me that Nina would write a book to share her parenting tips. Again, I’m not new to parenting, but I’m also not too old or set in my ways to see where I could readjust my parenting style. While reading Nina’s book Parenting with Purpose: How to Raise Well-Behaved Children and Build a Strong Parent-Child Relationship, I found myself shaking my head in agreement with so many of Nina’s words, “Yes, I do that!” but then there were a few things that made me think “Uh oh… I need to fix that.”

I do not read parenting books. I visit a few parenting blogs and if I see a good article in a magazine on parenting, I read it. I haven’t picked up a parenting book in Y E A R S, but this book seemed different it was inviting and it made perfect sense!

What makes you vulnerable makes you beautiful- Brene Brown

Nina is not a doctor, psychologist, or child therapist, she’s a mom. Sometimes the best advice, in my opinion, comes from other mothers. I totally would listen to a doctor, psychologist, or child therapist, but only if they weren’t trying to do a one-size-fits-all approach or straight from some medical book that was published decades ago, you feel me? Nina reiterates throughout the book that parenting is NOT one-size-fits-all, and that makes me happy! Why, happy? Because I have three kids, and I know that I cannot parent them the same, so it’s nice to see that others get it.

Poetry Night|Mrs. AOK, A Work In Progress {homeschool}

I also really enjoyed the positivity factor that is sprinkled throughout this book. If you know anything about me, you know that I TRY to keep it positive. One of the reasons I pulled my littles  my younger two children out of school last year to homeschool was because of the LACK of positivity in their learning environment. I wanted to provide my children with an encouraging, loving, and happy learning environment and I did that. (They are currently enrolled in a new school in a different state, this school thus far is wonderful: happy, positive, and encouraging.)


I could honestly keep going on and on, but you should READ THE BOOK!!


*I was given a copy of Parenting with Purpose: How to Raise Well-Behaved Children and Build a Strong Parent-Child Relationship for review purposes. The opinions expressed here are my own, you know this to be true. 😉


Since we’re on the topic of parenting, what about us Moms? Self care is so important too! Sometimes we forget about ourselves, mothering is about others, but we need to remember US. My friend Bev has put together a workbook to get you inspired to create, which is a wonderful form of self care, truly it is. The Busy Mom’s Guide to Creativity is a book I needed during what I call my gray period, creativity helped pull me out. The workbook has interviews, 7 art prints with inspirational creativity quotes, tons of tips, and if you love me… I’m in there too. 🙂 Seriously, this is a wonderful and thoughtful book written by a mama who inspired and creates every day.


14 thoughts on “Parenting with Purpose {Book Review}

  1. Kristy Mauna

    October 22, 2015 at 12:24 pm

    Awesome review – I agree with you, some of the best advice comes from other moms just like us! I just downloaded it on my Kindle! I can’t wait to read it! xxo

    1. MrsA0K2001

      October 22, 2015 at 12:58 pm

      AWESOME!! I cannot wait to hear your thoughts on Nina’s book. I really enjoyed it. I think since reading it I’m even MORE aware of my actions.

  2. lisacng @

    October 22, 2015 at 2:26 pm

    Great review! I love that this book is positive as well and really focuses on a building positive relationships between parent and child.

    1. MrsA0K2001

      October 23, 2015 at 10:25 am

      Thank you, Lisa. I agree, I love that Nina’s book focuses on building a positive parent-child relationship, that’s so important.

  3. Allie Mackin

    October 22, 2015 at 5:57 pm

    Very wise words indeed. This looks like a great book and I love the design of it.

    Allie of ALLIENYC

    1. MrsA0K2001

      October 23, 2015 at 10:28 am

      🙂 It’s such a wonderful book. You’re right, the design is lovely, I think Nina works in graphic design… I think.

  4. Tamara

    October 22, 2015 at 9:57 pm

    13 years! I freak out about six. I can’t wait to write my review on this splendid person/book tomorrow!
    We are so alike – the positive, the upbeat, the cookies, the happiness. It shows.

    1. MrsA0K2001

      October 23, 2015 at 10:35 am

      I cannot wait to read your review 😉
      Yes, I think we are!!! I hope that day comes, the one where we meet each other over cookies 😉

  5. Bev

    October 23, 2015 at 7:36 am

    “I need to remember that as much as I want respect, I need to give respect.” <— Yes! I have to remind myself that sometimes with Eve, even if she is a toddler. I need to model the behavior I want her to exhibit, and I'm not always the best role model. I downloaded Nina's book the other day — I'm so excited to read it!

    And thank you for sharing my book 🙂 It's funny, I've seen the two written about together a few times in the last week!

    1. MrsA0K2001

      October 23, 2015 at 10:46 am

      I think it’s easy for us to forget we should be just as respectful to our children as we are to others, which is sad, really. Perhaps, it’s because we’re suddenly placed in this authoritative role and we become aware that we need to make sure they (are children) are good humans who do good in this world, it rests on our shoulders. I’m not saying we’re anything like the Stanford experiment, I’m just saying the role of parent is heavy, light, and the middle is hard to find, when you’re trying to halt unwanted behavior.
      I’m really trying to watch my actions and my words… okay, my condescending tone.
      Wow… did I just write a novel?

  6. Karen

    October 23, 2015 at 10:50 am

    I don’t read a lot of parenting blogs either but if you think Nina’s is worth checking out then I definitely will! I could always use some advice. I know my daughter is only 4 but I feel like I could be teaching her better about sharing and gratitude. Also, I’ve never been the best with schedules and routines for her and I think it’s going to bite me in the butt when she starts kindergarten.

    1. MrsA0K2001

      October 23, 2015 at 11:01 am

      Seriously, this book is good, easy to read, easy to relate to, like I said no jargon. She uses real life examples, and you can totally relate. I nodded in agreement for almost the whole book, until I was like whoa… I should totally work on me and my snottiness. YIKES!
      There’s a part in the book where Nina speaks about the importance of schedules. 🙂

  7. Chastity

    October 23, 2015 at 5:04 pm

    I usually run from “expert” books because everyone knows the answer to everything. I like the idea of positivity. I pulled my 1st grader away from her first teacher this year because she was so tough on the kids. On the second day of school, she made a little girl cry because she drew a heart instead of a smiley face in her planner.

    How can you have a 13-year-old? xoxo

    1. MrsA0K2001

      October 24, 2015 at 3:16 pm

      :O Oh my word, that teacher sounds like a big ol’ meanie! I mean a heart!!! Lady, cool it. Kudos to you.
      I dunno know, time flies.

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