Thank You Notes| It's FRIDAY, time for thank you notes!

Thank You Notes: Fall Combat

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So, this is awkward, it’s Saturday and Thank You Notes are usually posted on Friday (and this is the second time this month it hasn’t). I really do not have a good reason why. I was going to beat myself up about it yesterday but decided against that because lately, I’m really trying to give myself grace. I’m trying to live in the moment and take it in, and yesterday I needed that. Have I told you I love fall? That’s a silly question, because HELLO I’ve most certainly told you I love fall, here, here, here… I could keep going. What I think I have never admitted here is what I do not enjoy about fall.

I’m trying to let the joys of fall outweigh the not so joyous things about fall like bone-chilling cold, gray days (when I’m not feeling a gray day because sometimes I actually love a gray day), crabby people who let cold and gray get to them, cold and flu season, nasty political ads and my husband’s travel. There I said it. Does that make me a Negative Nancy? (No offense to my Nancy friends. You aren’t negative) Nope. I’m going to say it makes me real. Real talk, friends, these are the things that bug me about fall.



However, to combat those things I try to find the good around me, the things I’m grateful for big and small.

So here we go, Thank You Notes:

Thank You Notes| It's FRIDAY, time for thank you notes!

I love Fridays, I love thank you notes, and I love Jimmy Fallon’s Thank You Notes, so, naturally, Friday here on my blog means: THANK YOU NOTES!

(Full disclosure: I haven’t watched The Tonight Show in quite some time, but it’s always nice to catch up on Thank You Notes via YouTube. 🙂 )

Jimmy’s Thank You Notes

Thank You Notes: Fall Combat


Thank you, layering, for being “cute” even though I’m just trying to stay warm.


Thank you, T.V, for providing bright light on gray days. 😀 Sometimes you just need to put on a funny show or reality show and laugh.


Thank you, people who hold the door for you, I appreciate your bravery during the cold and flu season. 🙂 Also, that you have manners because I do too.



Thank you, November 6th, for being around the corner. I cannot wait for these negative ads to be done with. Also, I cannot wait for the Fall Swap Box Reveal on the 6th!! It’s going to F-U-N.


Thank you, technology, for allowing me to see my husband every day even when he’s miles and miles away. Fall is a busy time for him and of course, it is also a busy time for my kids, sooooo… yeah. Busy.


Thank you, son, for being a gentleman. I’m not ready for you to grow up, but you are. I am so very thankful to see that you are a true gentleman, please always stay this way. Also, thanks for being cool yesterday while the girls and I scoured the clearance bra section. 🙂

Thank you, baby girl, for waltzing in here with pure joy on your face because you were so happy that you had a creative burst. Yes, yes, I will invest in your future Etsy shop! 🙂

Thank You Notes

Thank you, lottery, for making everyone feel like they are Charlie searching for the Golden Ticket. We can be Beyonce rich in a week, friends!! Good luck!


Also, who else has thought: even though it would be cool to be super mega-rich, you don’t want to be super mega-rich but rich enough to do the things you love, pay off debts and share a little bit of the wealth. I would totally be okay with a slice of the mula, I don’t need the whole lot.

Thank you, babies, for a good week. I love y’all



Thank you, weekend!! I’m glad the weekend is here and the love of my life will be too.



Happy Weekend, Friends!!

4 thoughts on “Thank You Notes: Fall Combat

  1. Akaleistar

    October 20, 2018 at 8:52 pm

    I’m ready for the election to be over, too. Ugh. So much negativity. But, yeah for the #SPBoxSwap and fall layers 🙂

  2. Experienced Bad Mom (@ExperBadMom)

    October 22, 2018 at 1:22 pm

    Aw, these are so sweet. It makes me more thankful for the good things in my life, too! So thank you for these thank you’s! #MMBH

  3. Lauren Becker

    October 24, 2018 at 8:34 am

    I love Fall layers; they really are cute, when you’re just trying to stay warm. And I’d love to win the lottery to pay off student loans. LOL


  4. Ani Kay

    October 24, 2018 at 10:24 pm

    I love this idea! I am trying to log my gratitude every day, and I am awful at it. This is such a great way to do it! Fall is my favorite too, even when it’s cold. I am trying to hold on to it as long as possible because I know it’s so short, and the next time I look up all the leaves will be off the trees!

    I’m excited about the swap box reveal too! I can’t wait!

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