Thank You Notes| A weekly link-up of gratitude inspired by Jimmy Fallon and hosted by Mrs. AOK, A Work In Progress| Fridays
Link-Up, Thank You Notes

Thank You Notes: Vacation, New Year, & Christmas Calories

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I love Fridays, I love thank you notes, and I love Jimmy’s Thank You Notes, so, naturally, Friday here on my blog means: Thank You Notes and Jimmy Fallon!

Thank You Notes| A weekly link-up of gratitude inspired by Jimmy Fallon and hosted by Mrs. AOK, A Work In Progress| Fridays

Thank you, Jimmy!!

Jimmy’s Thank You Notes:  

Thank You, Jimmy!

Thank You, Christmas Break!! Our vacation was much needed. We took our two weeks to rest and relax, and it was awesome! We didn’t do anything fancy, unless you consider playing the Wii in matching pajamas fancy. 🙂 We played with all the games the kids received for Christmas, watched all the Christmas movies, ate the carbs, STAR WARS, and enjoyed each other’s company (even though there was a touch of bickering ?).

Christmas 2015

Thank you, Crystal, for delivering Just Dance 2016 & almond milk on New Year’s Day!!! Can you believe Amazon delivers on New Year’s Day? I couldn’t believe it, but they do, and I felt crappy about it, so we tipped Crystal nicely & gave her a SBUX gift card. Crystal delivered a memory maker. 🙂  I think the kids will remember the days when their silly parents danced danced with them, I know I will not forget these days with my babies and my babe- good times. Also, it’s been great cardio! Thanks Crystal + Amazon!

Just Dance 2016

Thank you, New Year, for being that push of renewal we all need. I’m excited to read everyone’s goals and little words for 2016. Good Luck, friends!! We can do this. 😉

I choose to flourish this year.

Also, New Year’s Eve/Day, thanks for giving us an excuse to put together a backdrop to take silly pictures and slo-mo videos. TAMALES TOO!!

Happy 2016

Tamale making 2016

Thank you, Christmas calories, for being the gift that keeps on giving.


My husband forgot to give me these chocolates for Christmas. I found them while I was restocking our pantry yesterday, he insisted I try them with him when he came home for lunch. I didn’t want to be rude 😀

Moonstruck Chocolates Gift

Monstruck Chocolates

Thank you, Friday!!!

So, friends who or what gets a Thank You Note from you?

 Share Thank You Notes


20 thoughts on “Thank You Notes: Vacation, New Year, & Christmas Calories

  1. Echo

    January 8, 2016 at 6:45 pm

    Amazon Prime Now is amazing! They brought us dog food on Christmas Eve! ON CHRISTMAS EVE! I was blown away and also tipped handsomely. After reading this, would it be bad if I have a donut for dinner? That’s all I can think about now.

    1. MrsA0K2001

      January 11, 2016 at 4:27 pm

      I’m all for a little indulgence! ?
      Amazon Prime Now is 50 kinds of AWESOME!! Why did it take me this long to use the Now part of Amazon Prime?

  2. Amber

    January 8, 2016 at 7:07 pm

    I want some chocolates! Yum!

    My daughter loves Just Dance.

    1. MrsA0K2001

      January 11, 2016 at 8:47 pm

      🙂 I’d share.

  3. Akaleistar

    January 8, 2016 at 8:10 pm

    Happy Friday! Sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas, especially the dancing 🙂

    1. MrsA0K2001

      January 11, 2016 at 4:36 pm

      Yes, we had a wonderful Christmas. I hope you did too. 🙂
      Wishing you a beautiful week.

  4. Sonya

    January 8, 2016 at 11:38 pm

    I love playing Just Dance with my family. It is a really great workout. Just Dance 2 is still my favorite. I love Bodymovin dance by the Beastie Boys.

    1. MrsA0K2001

      January 11, 2016 at 5:15 pm

      It really IS a good workout! I loved Just Dance 2, too. I was shocked when my kiddos turned in ALL of our Just Dance games for new games at GameStop. We were missing our Just Dance parties lately, so we spoiled them with the new one.
      Wishing you a lovely week!

  5. Bev

    January 9, 2016 at 6:39 am

    Your family is such so adorable! You look like you are always having so much fun together — it’s so heartwarming 😀 I’m glad you had such relaxing holiday!

    1. MrsA0K2001

      January 11, 2016 at 9:28 pm

      Thank you, Bev! We have tons of fun, but real talk, even though there is tons of fun there is also bickering & voice raising. We’re getting better at fixing that. Our goals for 2016 is to have more patience & be kinder. 🙂
      It was nice to relax. I look forward to our next break. 🙂
      I hope your vacation was just as fun, heartwarming, and relaxing.

  6. Emily

    January 9, 2016 at 9:00 am

    You just reminded me that my son owes a couple of thank you notes to his aunts! He suffers from a delay in fine motor skills so he has terrible handwriting so I just have him sign his name to the little cards. Stopping by from the Sharefest.

    1. MrsA0K2001

      January 11, 2016 at 10:18 pm

      Thanks for visiting, Emily.
      My kids wrote thank you notes this weekend, but I still haven’t sent them out. {Womp Womp} I should get on that.

  7. Tamara

    January 9, 2016 at 10:47 am

    Those chocolates look good!!
    The Christmas calories are something. I put on five pounds since summer. Is it stocking up for winter? Is it Christmas cheer? Is it hormones from the IUD, although somehow I doubt that? Is it doughnuts? (I hope) Is it just being 35? Who knows? I kinda like it, though.
    Your family rocks. Keep doing that fun Just Dance cardio!

    1. MrsA0K2001

      January 11, 2016 at 9:36 pm

      I wish I could say I don’t mind an extra five. I’m trying to lose five, but food, cookies, chocolate. ?
      You look beautiful! I totally forgot to mention it, but there was a picture of you & Scarlet (in the last post I read of yours) and both of you look gorgeous!

      I certainly plan on keeping up with Just Dance & the kiddos.
      Have you ever worked out with a seven year-old? Seven year-olds have this fierce energy that won’t let you quit. My son had me doing 100 squats, cardio, and Just Dance. He’s like my mini personal trainer. I hope he feels better soon, so he can get back to kicking my butt into shape.

  8. Keisha | The Girl Next Door is Black

    January 9, 2016 at 2:47 pm

    Aw, seems like you had a great Christmas holiday! The kind that memories are made of. I bet your kids *will* remember mom and dad dancing with them. Sounds like fun! Happy New Year, A! (

    1. MrsA0K2001

      January 11, 2016 at 9:42 pm

      Happy New Year, Keisha!! I sure hope they remember these days.
      My husband & I have discussed our childhood many times over our past 15 years together; we often wonder what our kids will say to their spouses when they get older. ?

  9. Nina

    January 11, 2016 at 10:39 am

    Tamales! I’m going to eat my leftover tamales for lunch today, coincidentally 🙂 The perks of marrying my husband lol. And yes, I feel like 2016 has a ton of stuff to offer and can’t wait to meet it fresh. Oh and super cute New Year’s Eve photos, if I didn’t already tell you that!

    1. MrsA0K2001

      January 12, 2016 at 7:31 pm

      Thank you, Nina!
      I hope you enjoyed your tamales! I’m mad at myself for not freezing the leftovers, I hate waste.
      I’m excited to see what you’ll do this year, m’friend!

  10. Kirsten

    January 16, 2016 at 8:40 am

    Love that Just Dance game! We used to have it for our Wii until the Wii broke and now reading your post I realize how much I miss it. : ( I love the joy December brings, though not so much the extra calories. Here’s wishing you a wonderful 2016! Oh, and my word is two words: Be present. XOXOX

    1. MrsA0K2001

      January 16, 2016 at 10:26 pm

      I love the joy too! The calories ? I’m working my buns off to burn those calories off.
      Wishing you a happy & healthy 2016!!

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