Thank You Notes| It's FRIDAY, time for thank you notes!

Thank You Notes: Won’t You Be My Neighbor

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Friday Thank You Notes

This week went by too fast! I’ve got to be honest, I am scrambling to figure out who or what deserves a Thank You Note this week.

Thank You Notes| It's FRIDAY, time for thank you notes!

I love Fridays, I love thank you notes, and I love Jimmy Fallon’s Thank You Notes, so, naturally, Friday here on my blog means: THANK YOU NOTES!

(Full disclosure: I haven’t watched The Tonight Show in quite some time, but it’s always nice to catch up on Thank You Notes via YouTube. 🙂 )

Jimmy’s Thank You Notes

Thank You Notes: Won’t You Be My Neighbor

Thank you, Christian Siriano, for making it easy for every girl to feel like a Hollywood glam in your affordable heels. My daughter’s homecoming was last Saturday, we purchased her shoes on Friday!! There were absolutely no formal shoes anywhere and the ones available just weren’t cute. On a whim, I decided to walk further down the strip mall with the kids because I knew there was a shoe store around somewhere. There was! Do you know what shoe store? PAYLESS!! She instantly fell in love with them, they were the only pair in her size, they were closed toe and pretty in pink. Mom note: They were on sale, I signed up for Payless family and friends text, and BOOM- I spent under $20!! I owe you Christian!! Do you follow Christian on Instagram? No? Here, get your life right. 🙂

Thank you, kiddos for our pizza movie night. Sorry, I tapped out on the couch for some of Solo.


Thank you, family, for reminding me that it’s okay to be human. I lost my cool a few times in ONE DAY. The lady who flicked my husband off in the school drop-off line in the morning set the tone off for the rest of the day, really. And, honestly, I had a few more situations at that same school that made me lose my chill. I’m actually still dealing with some of the stupidity of that day, but I’m not letting it bring me down. I’m not going to allow these people to zap my positive energy. Apparently, not everyone is good at communication.


Thank you, mini-me, for not being embarrassed by me and papa. I love that you included us.  Sadly, the picture that was taken of you and me deserves a mulligan. But your pictures were stunning.


Thank you, women, for using your voice. As a mother to two young women, I’m scared for them. Thankfully, not everyone experiences harassment, I hope this is the case for my girls. Unfortunately, that is not the case for me. I hope that these brave women who are speaking up and sharing the uneven grounding for women vs men in this scenario are paving a way for young women to never have to deal with what they(we) had to. And it’s not just women, men are harassed too, they deserve to share their voices as well. And not that I have to state it, but I know people need to hear it, not all men are bad. There are plenty of really amazing kindhearted men out there. I know this. I’m lucky to have some of those amazing men in my own life.

Thank you, neighbor who I have yet to meet, I adore that you’ve voiced your respect for women via the sign you taped to your van. I love when people just know human rights and respect should be a part of human nature. It’s not political people, it’s kindness, it’s love, it’s respect, it is supporting your fellow neighbor whether they be a man, woman, child, republican, democrat, yellow, green, or blue.


Thank you, to those of you who have been supportive little rays of sunshine to me during my #Everydayaphotoaday challenge on Instagram. 🙂

Thank you, weekend!

I cannot wait to do the weekend. I’m not sure what fall-type shenanigans we’ll get ourselves into this weekend. But I do know tonight there will probably be pizza or soup, I may need soup.  And tomorrow I don’t have to wake up early, which means I don’t have to freeze my buns off. I’m going to snuggle up next to my babe and stay under the covers as long as I can.  😀 I don’t know how to sleep in but tomorrow I may give it a try.



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Who gets a Thank You Note from you this week?

Also, this weekend is the deadline to enter the Fall #SPBoxSwap!! If you love happy fall and happy mail this is the swap for you. Don’t miss out!!!

5 thoughts on “Thank You Notes: Won’t You Be My Neighbor

  1. Shybiker

    October 13, 2018 at 11:12 am

    What a lovely post. And those shoes are so pretty! I join you in your opposition to harassment. I’m so sorry you had to endure it. Sorry also about your aggravating day. That seems unavoidable in our modern society so we have to concentrate on how we react to negative stuff to minimize its effect on us.

  2. Akaleistar

    October 13, 2018 at 3:43 pm

    What a great deal you scored on her shoes, and they are so pretty!

  3. alimackin2013

    October 13, 2018 at 4:18 pm

    Yes of course not all men are bad, though it is quite sad at how wide spread sexual harassment is. Though how women are treated in some other countries can be even worse. Not sure about the world we live in sometimes and I feel for people with children. Not sure what the future is going to bring.

    Allie of

  4. ShootingStarsMag

    October 15, 2018 at 11:06 am

    Ooh cute shoes, and a great deal. I hope you had a lovely weekend and got to sleep in some. And I LOVE that Fred Rogers quote. So so true.


  5. tamaralikecamera

    October 16, 2018 at 8:36 pm

    OMG that dress! And those shoes! True love.
    Also, Fred Rogers. Also, someone flipped off your husband? Ew! In a school parking line! That’s embarrassing because we all see the same people. What the what.
    Also, that’s totally me in front of movies..

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