Join us each week as we provide you with a quote (by a woman); and you let that quote inspire your written word! Allow it to lead your writing in whatever way works for you. And we mean that! Literally, wherever it leads you to write is wonderful, and perfect, and worthy of sharing! Share, share, share! Let yourself be inspired each week at That’s What She Said! Write on!!
- #1 rule: Have fun and be creative ♡
- Go find out what she said. Check out the other blogs linked up and show them some love.
- Don’t hold back! We want to read what you are writing.
- Okay, we do ask you to hold back ONLY if you are NOT following the rules. This link-up is for those who are inspired by the quote of the week. Get inspired!
- Not a rule but a suggestion… please share That’s What She Said on your social media. Example: Join @Mrs_AOK & @Courtneynoel Tuesday’s for #TWSS a weekly link-up inspired by women’s words.
Thanks for sharing your “fun” with us! 😉
This week we asked you to choose your own quote, we cannot wait to see what you picked!
SOURCE I’m kooky. I’m silly. I’m flawed. I’m slightly strange (or squirrelly?) I’m me. I wondered in the past am I that aberrant- why am I always singled out for being silly? “You’re silly, Dean!” Is that bad? Is it wrong? To want to laugh and make others laugh, could this be a flaw? There were times when I would withhold my silly. There were also times when I was surrounded by many, but felt alone. Something bizarre happened, I found out I wasn’t alone. I met someone who felt just like me. At first we both put up our guard, we only displayed our best traits. We grew closer. We laughed, we got silly, we shared our flaws. And then something even more bizarre happened… my flaws were now called beautiful scars were healed with love my silly was brilliant! We both let our guard down. We were free. Hours were (and are) spent talking, healing, loving, and caring. There is no longer a facade, the walls have come down. We all have flaws, quirks, oddities that weave us together and make a beautiful mess The older I grow, the more I know I’m not alone. The people who have always been there are still there and there are more people out there I need to know. They too are not perfect. We’re not perfect. We’re perfect enough. Yes, it’s true, I’m here, and I’m just as strange as you.
If you’re out there 🙂
lisacng @
August 4, 2015 at 3:32 pmDefinitely this lesson comes with age and living life. When you’re young, you want to fit in. And then you realize that fitting in is over-rated. It’s much better to life free. I hope my kids understand this sooner rather than later.
August 5, 2015 at 4:24 pmI hope my kids understand that sooner too. I actually think my daughter (13yo) has somewhat figured that out. She is so much more advanced in knowledge than I was at her age.
August 4, 2015 at 4:19 pmThere’s definitely been parts of me I’ve always wondered – “is there anyone else like this on earth?” I figure now with Google, I can probably find out. It’s more fun to see these traits in my most special friends.
August 5, 2015 at 4:26 pmYou’ve got to love Google. 🙂 Also, Twitter, because I believe it was Twitter that brought us together. I think you and I quite similar. 🙂
Julie Jordan Scott
August 5, 2015 at 1:00 amThis is such fun! I, like you, have often said, “Maybe I’m the only one who…” only to find there are usually many. Such a relief to not be alone! 🙂
August 5, 2015 at 4:27 pmThank you 🙂
You’re never alone.
August 6, 2015 at 6:27 pmThose quotes are awesome and so is finding someone who thinks your “flaws” are beautiful!
August 7, 2015 at 7:58 amI agree with both! 🙂
She Always Had That About Her... - TheMrsTee
August 7, 2015 at 4:12 pm[…] This week has been so hectic and busy that I wanted to take a minute to simply write. Think reflect and write. So I hopped over to my BloggerBFF – Mrs.AOK, A Work In Progress and decided to see what the topic was for her amazingly fun Weekly LinkUp “That’s What She Said”. […]
August 9, 2015 at 8:27 pmlove the quote you picked…I totally agree with your post. We are all so different, unique, weird, flawed, strange and that;s what makes us so amazing and perfect. I embrace my kookiness and weirdness, I let my freak flag fly and those who love me waves theirs too…we are all so awesome because of it.
August 9, 2015 at 9:05 pmSometimes Sam and I will just act so goofy — have silly dance parties and making each other giggle. I think we are definitely matched in our weirdness and it’s great to find someone who appreciates that silly side of you where you can totally let loose.
Lowanda J
August 13, 2015 at 11:59 pmLove this! Deep, beautiful, and raw. Flaws are our perfect imperfections!
She Always Had That About Her... | TheMrsTee
August 18, 2017 at 10:16 pm[…] This week has been so hectic and busy that I wanted to take a minute to simply write. Think reflect and write. So I hopped over to my BloggerBFF – Mrs.AOK, A Work In Progress and decided to see what the topic was for her amazingly fun Weekly LinkUp “That’s What She Said”. […]