Join us each week as we provide you with a quote (by a woman); and you let that quote inspire your written word! Allow it to lead your writing in whatever way works for you. And we mean that! Literally, wherever it leads you to write is wonderful, and perfect, and worthy of sharing! Share, share, share! Let yourself be inspired each week at That’s What She Said! Write on!!
- #1 rule: Have fun and be creative ♡
- Go find out what she said. Check out the other blogs linked up and show them some love.
- Don’t hold back! We want to read what you are writing.
- Okay, we do ask you to hold back ONLY if you are NOT following the rules. This link-up is for those who are inspired by the quote of the week. Get inspired!
- Not a rule but a suggestion… please share That’s What She Said on your social media. Example: Join @Mrs_AOK & @Courtneynoel Tuesday’s for #TWSS a weekly link-up inspired by women’s words.
Cue the music…
Fan or no fan of Madonna, you have to admire the fact that she has held on tight to her career. I mean she’s all B**ch I’m Madonna with confidence and dancing better than some of those kids with her 56 year-old self. I’m 34 and I’m not sure you’ll see me dancing down a hall with 20-somethings singing “B**tch I’m Dean!” But that’s just it, Madonna demands that, she has absolutely no problem saying what she wants. She’s a go-getter.
Sometimes, I say what I want. Sometimes, I’m heard, and sometimes I’m not. And if I want to be heard should I repeat myself? I hate repeating myself, I just repeated myself. I’m sure I’ve said that same phrase in the past 10 days at least 4 times. So why not repeat myself once more…
This January I chose some words, I said I wanted to do all these things, do you remember? No? Okay, I’ll say it again, because if I keep saying it maybe I’ll do better.
I’m here. I’m present. This, I’m good at.
I said I would create, and I have. I have been art journaling, hand lettering, coloring, and there’s been a touch of hot glue. My creations have also come in the form of blog posts, free writing, and my prompt book. However, I want to take my writing to the next level- I need to focus more on that. (I’ll explain more under: brave)
I am always humbled when people say I’m so positive. Me? Seriously? Thank You! You know what, I think for the most part I am positive. Sometimes the little gray raincloud comes out in me..
I think I have opened up a lot more here and I consider that: brave. I have battled with hitting publish on some of my posts that seemed too personal, but I did it! This year I vowed to send out more of my writing, but that didn’t happen. I instead did something, which many may say was even more brave, I ditched freelance and homeschooled. I was not happy with the littles’ school. I had issues with the school, a teacher, and other various reasons.
I also cut my own hair, that’s brave, right?
I would say I have done quite well with this one. There’s always room for improvement, I can do better.
I kind of touched on this last week. I’m trying to be patient with my new fight. No, I do not look like JLo…. yet! See, I kept it positive. Ahem.. moving on
There has been tons of love!
I say a lot on this blog. I mean it all. I want to do better. I’m a work in progress. I will do better, I’ll keep working on my words figuratively and literally. I know what I want, and I’m done with the excuses. You’ll see 🙂
Share some creativity with us next week!
Lynne Streeter Childress
June 30, 2015 at 6:07 amI LOVE THIS!!! Speak it out loud!!! SPEAK IT!!
June 30, 2015 at 5:13 pmThank you, Lynne!!! It has been spoken 🙂 I will get things done.
June 30, 2015 at 8:07 amI think all of us are a work in progress. If you’re not working on yourself continuously than I think you probably don’t have much insight into yourself 😉 To me it sounds like you are doing such an amazingly job using your words guide you for the year. I think you are incredibly brave taking on homeschooling two of your kiddos! I think you exude love, encouragement and positivity. And I love to see what you create, both with your kids and by yourself!
By the way, next week’s quote is totally my jam (and one of my favorite creativity quotes!) I actually have a post ready that fits into it perfectly so I should hopefully be linking up 🙂
July 1, 2015 at 8:19 pmThank you, thank you, thank you, Bev!! I’m trying. 🙂
I think you’re right, we’re all a work in progress (hopefully).
Please say you’ll share your creativity with us next week!
lisacng @
June 30, 2015 at 10:54 amLove that you shared your year’s words and photos/evidence of how you’re keeping up with it all :).
I completely agree with the quote because I used to think/want/believe that my husband could read my mind. That he’d know what I want. But you know what? He’s not a mind reader. Shocking. After I voiced what I wanted, I became much happier.
July 1, 2015 at 8:22 pmThanks, Lisa.
Yes, I have also wondered in the past why my husband wasn’t reading my mind. I’m all “WHAT?” he knows what I’m thinking… right? Not always. I have to say after almost 14 years of marriage, sometimes he is a mindreader, though. 🙂
Julie Jordan Scott
June 30, 2015 at 12:10 pmLove the introspection and revisiting what has been so for you throughout 2015. I can’t believe we’re half-way through this year! WOW!!! Madonna is a hoot – and she is smart and sassy and worth listening to, even if we don’t believe in everything she says. I loved where the prompt took me this week. It helped me with my goal to do more narrative writing because that is one of the places I excel. I have taken too much time trying to fit what other people say is right when what I know is right is being 1000% me. 🙂
I look forward to seeing what the rest of the year has in store for us. More poetry! More bravery! More creativity!!
July 1, 2015 at 8:31 pmFirst off, I loved reading your post. I hope you will keep sharing your writing with us. TWSS, has given me a new outlet to share some of my creativity, I think as women/mothers/people we need that. We cannot keep it all bottled up. I should stop now before I begin to write next week’s post here in my comments. 🙂
I cannot believe we’re halfway through either. Hopefully, I can knock out my goals before 2016. 2016!!! Wow!
Always stay true to you. 🙂
June 30, 2015 at 12:30 pmI LOVE this post! I love you and all that you stand for!! XO
July 1, 2015 at 8:32 pmThank you, Courtney! 🙂
I love you and all that you stand for!!! #BBF
June 30, 2015 at 2:06 pmI think I’m positive too! The positive in me sees the positive in you. Of course I have rain clouds and even though my FB posts are 99% positive, every now and then the catty comes out. I can’t help it, I guess. The world can beat you down.
You have to be brave and positive to fight back! And creative.
July 1, 2015 at 8:35 pmI see tons of positive in you, Tamara. We all have our rain clouds, but the beauty of those RAIN clouds… rainbows! I think you and I can appreciate a nice colorful shiny rainbow. 🙂
Cheers to positivity, bravery, and creativeness!
June 30, 2015 at 9:19 pmLove your words for this year! But, even better is the action you’ve put behind them. That’s inspiring!
July 1, 2015 at 8:39 pmTHANK YOU! You’re such a sweetheart, thank you!
That's What She Said // Express Yourself - Book Delight
July 2, 2015 at 10:34 pm[…] totally stealing from my Mrs AOK and Courtney by inserting the video)Do you express yourself? Can you comfortably say what you […]
K. Elizabeth (YUMMommy)
July 4, 2015 at 11:57 amCouldn’t agree more with this week’s quote. I definitely think most people don’t say what they want mostly due to fact that they’re afraid of how they’ll be judged or viewed. But as one of my other favorite sayings goes, “Closed mouths don’t get fed.”
I definitely consider you to be uber positive. It’s always nice to stop by your blog for a little pick me up. And we’re going to see how school goes for Moo this year. If we have half the problems we did last year, we’ll be switching to homeschool as well.
July 6, 2015 at 12:02 pmIt’s a great quote, something we should live by. If we wanted we’ve got to say it and go for it. I agree, fear/rejection is something that holds most of us back. Dumb fear! I say, let’s own fear!! #ByeFearlicia
I totally appreciate that THANK YOU.
If things don’t work out let me know, I would be happy to help you with some great resources I use. 🙂