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Currently {July}

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Currently July

Thinking: I have a lot to do today!

I don't want to adult coffee mug

(Pssst… You can purchase this awesome mug here.)



Creating: Well, this July, I drew the picture below that has inspired me to create something bigger. Stay tuned!

A photo posted by Mrs.AOK (@mrs_aok) on

Listening: I’m currently listening to Mike & Mike while I type this out.  More deflategate talk… images imgres   Reading: I know in the past I’ve said I do not like juggling books. BUUUUUUTT….Book Drunkard

A photo posted by Mrs.AOK (@mrs_aok) on

If I am reading a good fiction book, where I’m attached to the characters, I like to focus solely on that book. Lately, I have been reading non-fiction books and crafty books, so I’ve been jumping around.
Currently Books & Coffee


Books {End of July}

Planning: Something huge.

Go someplace


Loving: Love notes in the sand. I love leaving them and receiving them….Love notes in the sand



Kooky family traditions….

A photo posted by Mrs.AOK (@mrs_aok) on

Yes, we celebrate Christmas in July. It’s fun. The kids love it. And who doesn’t love friendly competition, Christmas movies, hot cocoa and handmade presents in the middle of July?

The Office! My husband and I are re-watching the series, and we’re loving it! It’s nice to sit down after we put the kids down to bed, and laugh.

False. I love you more.


Oh this burger from Poe’s Tavern.  (I will be back!)

Tell-Tale Heart Burger Poe's Tavern


Long phone conversations with friends. 🙂

Encouraging: You to keep sending happy mail to friends and family! 🙂

Mail TYN


Do what you love! Create something 🙂

Do What You LOVE


I encourage you to pick a quote (preferably a quote by a woman) and write about it. Courtney and I cannot wait to see what you share on August 4, when #TWSS returns!! 😉

#TWSS Pick Your Own Quote


I also encourage you to keep an eye out for a fun giveaway I have coming up. Don’t forget to join me Friday for Thank You Notes. (I’m finally revealing my big news 😉 )Thank You Notes| A weekly link-up of gratitude inspired by Jimmy Fallon and hosted by Mrs. AOK, A Work In Progress| Fridays

Working on: TONS!!

What have you been up to currently?

Thredup Inc.

23 thoughts on “Currently {July}

  1. Shelly

    July 29, 2015 at 10:33 am

    Haha! I love that you do Christmas in July with your fam! Great book choices too! I wish I could practice letters with you all day!

    1. MrsA0K2001

      July 31, 2015 at 11:42 am

      I wish would could practice letters and paint all day too!! Maybe, one day we’ll meet and get in a little creative time. 🙂

  2. Karen

    July 29, 2015 at 10:41 am

    Ugh, you’re totally teasing us here!! Whatever you’re planning I can’t wait to hear about it! I really enjoyed the blogging book by Joy Cho. She has great suggestions and I like how she talks about “community”. I feel like the last couple of weeks I had some good things going on and now we’re in a lull. Trying to think of some adventures before September rolls around.

    1. MrsA0K2001

      July 31, 2015 at 11:44 am

      I’m such a tease 😉 The secret is out.
      Community is the best part of blogging, IMO.
      I cannot wait to hear what you get into before September. 🙂

  3. Bev

    July 29, 2015 at 12:09 pm

    I’m like you when it comes to reading — if I’m reading fiction and I’m really into the story I’ll just read that, but for nonfiction I often read a couple at a time.
    Happy Christmas in July 😉

    1. MrsA0K2001

      July 31, 2015 at 11:45 am

      I’m glad I’m not alone. I don’t like cheating on my people… my book people. 😀

  4. Amber

    July 29, 2015 at 2:25 pm

    Christmas in July would be a lot of fun!

    1. MrsA0K2001

      July 31, 2015 at 11:46 am

      It’s such a fun time. Last year it was rainy, so it was dark, and it kind of felt like Christmas for real. 🙂

    1. MrsA0K2001

      July 31, 2015 at 11:46 am

      Yes, it is. 🙂

  5. Mary

    July 29, 2015 at 4:18 pm

    I need that mug bad, I never feel like ‘adult(ing)’. I’m also following this deflate gate scandal, I can’t believe this is all about deflating balls it’s crazy, and interesting, like a soap opera.

    1. MrsA0K2001

      July 31, 2015 at 11:48 am

      I need that mug too!! I want, I want, I want. 🙂 It’s amusing for sure. Deflated balls. 😀

  6. Tamara

    July 29, 2015 at 4:41 pm

    I think I need to start celebrating Christmas in July! It would be fun, and so much better with our late sunsets and warm days!
    Bird by Bird was a book that really changed me and I’m not a huge fan of her other stuff. That book is special.

    1. MrsA0K2001

      August 2, 2015 at 3:00 pm

      I think you and Cassidy would do a wonderful job of celebrating Christmas in July with the babies. 😉
      I’m trying to find some special time to finish the book, I’ve been so busy lately with moving stuff.

  7. Candace

    July 30, 2015 at 10:12 am

    So much goodness here! First, I need that mug- too cute. Bird by Bird is one of my favorite all time books. I usually don’t read one more than once, but I think that one will be reread on a yearly basis. My hubby loves an egg on his burger. We go to a place called Flipdaddy’s and his always looks just like your picture :). I loved the black and white pic you drew of the girl with cool hair. I can’t wait to see what you are doing with it. I hope it’s what I think it is!!

    1. MrsA0K2001

      August 2, 2015 at 3:21 pm

      Thank you, Candace 😉
      I need that mug too!! I’m behind, this is my first time reading Bird by Bird, and I’m behind on my reading. I’ve been super busy with all this moving stuff.
      An egg on your burger is magical, you’re husband knows his burgers 😉
      I think it’s what you think it is. 🙂
      I’ll let you know when I come through with my plan 😉

  8. Kristy Mauna

    July 30, 2015 at 11:16 am

    I love that you celebrate Christmas in July – how fun that must be for the kids! I’m re-watching The Office also! This is the 12th time I’ve re-watched the series, I know I’m crazy, but I love it that much – I’m on season 6. 🙂

    Thanks for encouraging me to create today! xxo

    1. MrsA0K2001

      August 2, 2015 at 3:31 pm

      The kids love Christmas in July, plus there’s not the added pressure on making this day perfect, so it’s even more awesome. 🙂
      I think we’re on season 4 of The Office, but we’re going to binge tonight while we do tons of laundry.

      I hope you got creative!

  9. lisacng @

    July 30, 2015 at 3:17 pm

    I’d love to see your Chinese style paintings. I was horrible at it when I had to do it as a kid in Chinese school.

    1. MrsA0K2001

      August 2, 2015 at 3:32 pm

      I may share…. may… 😀
      I’m sure your painting were good!

  10. Chastity

    July 30, 2015 at 8:01 pm

    You said balls! Ha! I’d love to see the beautiful creative pieces you’re working on. I’d show you mine, but it’d look like drunk stick people. 😉 I’ve missed you my friend. Hopefully I’ll be back from my hiatus soon.

    1. MrsA0K2001

      August 2, 2015 at 3:33 pm

      You’re too harsh on yourself, I’m sure you’ve got skills 🙂
      I miss you too!!! (did you read that with a touch of whine to it?)

  11. Lowanda J

    August 9, 2015 at 7:58 pm

    You are “Currently” a very busy lady! I just love your blog! So are you going solo with the giveaway or doing a group thing again? If you decide to do a group thing and it is not to late, I would like to join. I’ve thought about doing one like the favorite things you guys hosted. Thought it would be nice.

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