Thank You Notes| It's FRIDAY, time for thank you notes!
Thank You Notes, Things I Love

Back at Square One, 101! The 101st Thank You Notes!

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Thank You Notes 101

Nope, nope, nope, no. If you are here to learn the proper etiquette on how to write a Thank You Note this is totally not your spot. I’m probably not the right person to give the lesson on thank you note writing because I have done so poorly as of late. However, I’m totally the right person if you’d like to read a few short thank yous with the occasional snark. If you’re a longtime reader you know that I use to write a weekly post “Thank You Notes”, which were inspired by Jimmy Fallon’s Friday Thank You Notes. I started out each post similar to this:

I love Fridays, I love thank you notes, and I love Jimmy Fallon’s Thank You Notes, so, naturally, Friday here on my blog means: Thank You Notes+ Jimmy!

Thank You Notes| It's FRIDAY, time for thank you notes!

What Had Happened Was…

I wrote Thank You Notes almost every Friday for 100 weeks! I even wrote a bonus Thank You Notes post dedicated to Joe Bidden and Barack Obama’s bromance and the Obama Family as they were now leaving the White House. That’s how long it has been since my last THANK YOU NOTES POST!!

When I wrote my 100th Thank You Notes post I mentioned how it was probably the last, I also mentioned how much I was facing the dreaded blogger rabbit hole of comparison, and how I almost quit blogging completely. I was hugged by the warmth of your comments that were written to me, the tweets that I received, and personal emails. It was hard to completely understand why y’all, like my husband, had faith in me as a blogger because I totally was feeling a downward spiral. I hoped that 2017 was going to be a better year for me as a blogger and if I’m being honest it really wasn’t too bad. I wrote posts I was proud of like this one, I worked with a few brands that I was uber excited to work with and the fun Sweet Progres box swaps!

Turn to the last few pages of chapter 2017

The end of 2017 was huge for me and not always in a good way. There was a shift. I felt I was in a constant state of Mercury in Retrograde. My vibe was off. I moved across the country… AGAIN. Our country seemed to be falling apart. We were homeless. Then we weren’t (thank goodness). There’s so much more in between, but you get the point. I didn’t want 2017 to bleed into 2018, but sadly it kind of did. Thankfully, I can say there was an unthawing of those emotions, it took time, it took patience and meditation. I worked on myself, focusing more on doing for me. The biggest obstacle was trying to block the outside world from interfering with the inside. It’s hard to do this when your an empathetic person and a parent with little beings entering this.

Anyway, we’re eight months into 2018 and I’ve written a few handfuls of posts this year. Though they are few, I am proud to say these posts have been heartfelt posts. These posts have been the thoughts that have engulfed my mind and poured out here. I haven’t been as uber-focused on SEO, which is cool, but I guess not cool because of views and clicks and whatnots.  But what is a gal supposed to do when all she wants to do is write and create!! I guess I’ll be a hushed blogger because I’m not all SEO, in-the-know and I will probably get passed on for sponsored content because of numbers… or lack of, but what about CONTENT?

Sooooo.. that was a longer intro to this week’s Thank You Notes that was not intended, but hey, it felt great to get that off my chest. Also, thank you for sticking it out to here.

Thank You Notes 101

Thank you, for being here. For listening to me going through a thing. Those of you that have known me know that I’m a mostly upbeat, positive, glass half full, be kind to one another, type of person, so I never intend to bring the mood down. However, I’m an emotional creature that at times battles with my empath-like qualities. I’m getting better at honing in the good energy and at blocking negative energy.

Thank you, social media, for being the perfect playground for an INFJ! I’ve met such amazing people via social media and blogging that have been such wonderful friends/cheerleaders. I love y’all from the tippy top of my heart to the bottom multiplied by infinity.

Thank you, long lost friends, who don’t hate me when you bump into me. I’m sorry, Rachel!💛

Thank you, MMBH Community, for sharing your posts with us each week. If you have a post please don’t forget to share it here.

Thank you, family, for a wonderful weekend.

Thank you notes. Thank you, family.

Thank you, September!! September is my month, baby! I love September because it means it’s a reprieve from the heat, birthday month, and this September thus far the Virgo season seems to be kicking in. I’m all: organize this, organize that, scratch this off the list, put this back on the list, which happens to be the rebirth of Thank You Notes. Also, September means giveaways!! Keep your eyes open for a giveaway or two to help me celebrate this libra’s birthday. 🙂


Happy Friday, Friends!! It’s Friday and I’m in love….




A serious note:

To all my friends that are impacted by Florence, please know I’m sincerely thinking of you. I love y’all! Stay safe.


8 thoughts on “Back at Square One, 101! The 101st Thank You Notes!

  1. sunphant

    September 14, 2018 at 5:39 pm

    Hey Friend! I’m sorry I haven’t been around the blogisphere to read and comment on your post. BUT…when I saw this jewel pop up in my email, I just had to read it. I was just waking up from a nap…as we anticipate Florence…so I had to wait a little while to read it more thoroughly. Okay, so I watched the second half of Ellen before I could get started because, you know, she’s our friend and all! Lol…anyway, I was so excited to see “Thank You Notes” again and so excited to catch up with you! I know how you feel about letting go of things and going through phases in life. I’m sure you see how back and forth I am with my blog. I am more of a “Get to know me on Instagram” type of gal now. But I do want to write. I am so busy lately and sometimes I just don’t have the time. Okay, I realize I’m writing too much in this reply so I’m going to stop there. Thank you for this thank you note, my Be Kind to One Another Friend and I will be around for your lovely treats you share this month as you celebrate your Birthday! Love Yah!

    1. Mrs. AOK

      September 16, 2018 at 1:34 pm

      Oh please, please, PLEASE, NEVER EVER EVER feel you should stop. I love that you have left me a thoughtful and heartfelt comment.

      How are you doing? I’ve been so worried for everyone impacted by Florence. From what I have seen on the news it looks like the Charleston area wasn’t impacted too much, is this so?

      I need to catch up on my Ellens!! I totally understand that blogging has seasons. ANNND I’m loving getting to know you more via the gram. 🙂

  2. Akaleistar

    September 14, 2018 at 8:54 pm

    I’m glad you are still blogging! 2018 really has been a rotten year, and I’ve felt like giving up blogging, too. But, we all need a creative space. Let me know when you want to host another swap. No rush 🙂

    1. Mrs. AOK

      September 16, 2018 at 1:38 pm

      NOOOOO DON’T EVER GIVE UP!! You, my sweet friend, are a blogging rockstar!! I wish I could be more like you when it comes to blogging. You are a natural. 🙂 I also really love when you share a little more about your time(s) acting, when you give me fashion tips, and I cannot wait to see your Halloween posts!!

      You and I really should chat more. GURLLLLL, slide into my DM’S or text me. 🙂 Anyway, yes, let’s do it! Swap party!!

  3. Sonya K

    September 17, 2018 at 5:41 pm

    I’m glad to see you are back to writing Thank You Notes. I’m also glad that your mood is better. It’s hard seeing everything going on in the news. But I’m hopeful that things will get better.

    1. Mrs. AOK

      September 24, 2018 at 11:37 am

      Thank you, Sonya! I’m so glad to get back to TYN, these posts always make me happy. 🙂 And yes, I’m hopeful we’ll see positive change, it may take a little longer than we want, but it’ll happen.

  4. Lauren Becker

    September 20, 2018 at 10:11 am

    Hey Dean! It’s so great to see you blogging again. It’s definitely tough sometimes, and I think ALL bloggers wonder if they should quit at some point or another, but I’m really happy you haven’t. Happy Birthday month!! I hope 2019 is a fantastic year for you!


    1. Mrs. AOK

      September 24, 2018 at 11:39 am

      Thank you, Lauren!
      I wish I wouldn’t question myself often when it comes to blogging. I’ve tried to be a positive voice amongst other bloggers, but for some reason when it comes to myself… I fail sometimes.

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